Sunday, January 10, 2010

Hurrah! iPhone app is a-go!

I finally got to stop working on the editors and some such today, and got started on the app itself. It's a great feeling. I have the app reading in our data files, loading textures, and rendering maps. Next step is to get some characters on the maps, and get them moving about a bit.

I think we would start to see things coming together now if I could put some of the actual artwork into it, but unfortunately Pix is running a bit behind with our initial collection of bits.

I need to do a lot of thinking about user interface stuff over the next few days. It's really not clear how we're going to deal with interaction – when certain screens come up, what triggers moving onto the next phase of the game, etc. I've got a couple more things to do before I really have to think about that though, so I guess I should just get on with it.

Sunday, December 13, 2009


We have some concept artwork for you to have a sneak peak at! Here is the main bad guy for the first Soul Quest... The Goblin King!

Hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. For us things will be going in to overdrive over the festive season as we attempt to get as much work done as possible while away from real world work!

I will even be working on xmas day!! Well... Maybe for a wee while...

We are aiming for the demo being submitted to testers at the end of January for some play testing and feedback. The final product is scheduled for submission to Apple in April 2010!! Wish us luck, I think we may need it.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

A Long Time Ago...

It has been ages since I posted here. Bad me...

Lots has been happening. I have had meetings with business gateway and have a written business plan. The plan looks good. The game feels like the content is taking personality.

The content production is slow. Not dedicating enough time to it. It doesn't help that with creative output, time is not enough. It has to be the right time, when you are in the flow and the ideas are burning in your head... That is the tough bit, when you take away all the time spent working for other people and travelling and doing parent stuff.. You don't have much left to spend on stuff like this.

So I need to be harder on myself. Back to getting stuff done over lunch at work. Just has to be done. No more excuses....

I am almost done the entire first plot quest. That is comprised of 2 essential quests and 1 optional quest. I still have to map the final level out. I have come up with a great plan, a great level concept.... It really is great.... But.... There is always a but....

The idea will be fie times as much work as my original thoughts. So it is going to take ages to map the level out, five separate entrances and ways through the dungeon to confront the Goblin King in his throne room. Five.... Why??? I have worked in tot he social section of the quest that 5 of the goblin tribes have sided with the returned king. The rest are far too busy trying to remain peaceful and keep the Goblin Kingdom in one piece.

So yeah, five different tribes guarding the king, five ways in, five different tribes with differing attributes and skills and levels.. All of which have to have a flip side, a realm of the dead variation..... This is probably going to be more work that everything else so far.

I will probably be sensible and cut that down to three. But it means going back and editing all of the social phase sections that mention the five tribes and rewrite it all.

I hope to have the company up and running as an actual entity in about 3-4 weeks. It may get pushed back until after the new year. I will just have to wait and see. Business start up can wait until more content is produced and the game is nearing completion.

I am very excited and will count the whole project and artistic success if I produce something I really like playing! Then I can sit back and go 'we made that, it is great'. Lots of money would also be a good thing!

I am going to go and try to chill my brain out and not explode at the thought of having to design this dungeon. I need a bigger table and bigger bits of graph paper..... Or a useful program for doing level mapping on. So far just using paper has been easier.

Someone please hit me if I don't update this blog once a fortnight, left it far too long this time.



P.S. apologies for really bad spelling and typing, been up all night and have had noooooo sleep.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Tom Time...

Tom has now been added as an author to the Blog. So it could get interesting. You should be able to see the development process from both sides of the coin....

Que endless moaning about development decisions made by someone who isn't a programmer ;-)

I hope Tom is going to post a bit about what he is doing and what he is trying to create for the game.



Well hello there!

I can post to our blog now, so I thought I'd introduce myself.

I'm Tom, I'm busy working on In The Beginning... Software in general. I'm mostly working hard to make sure than Realms of Life and Death gets out the door at some point in the next millennium, but I'm doing some other stuff too.

I built our first complete iPhone app last week. It's a simple little GPS application that doesn't need any maps to work. It's great, because it gives you your position *so* fast compared to the other GPS apps I've used, it doesn't drain the battery anywhere near as fast because it's not using your internet connection, and it can provide you with a load of useful information, without you waiting for the phone to load a map and show you where you are, hopefully it'll come in very handy when I go out geocaching. I'll post here, when it gets into the iTunes store, and you can all download it :).

In the mean time, I think I need a beer, and a sit down, and a relax :).


I am lying in bed, I am very tired... I got a job and had to go to actual work. Which pretty much got in the way of me achieving anything today...

On the plus side lots of things have happened!

  • Had good meeting with business gateway, have future meetings arranged for writing a business plan in early November.
  • Got the social phase of part one of soul quest one complete. I don't really have a name for the first soul quest yet. But it does involve a dead Goblin King (who is on fire).
  • I have put the first secret bits in to the game. Go Go Easter Egg Gadget.
  • Have meetings to arrange with intellectual property rights guy
  • Have meetings to arrange with bank, accountants.
  • Business registration should happen early November! Roll on grant money :-)

Does that really count as lots of things? Well, sod it, it felt like a hell of a lot happened. I feel like momentum is building on the project and that it is going to sweep me along for the ride.

I have to find a way to get more work done. After work is hard, during work at lunch time is hard. I really need two monitors, a desk and plenty of drawing space. Going to have to make use of voice memos and notes on the phone if anything springs to mind.

I think generating all of the content is going to be a long haul. Still it will be worth it. In the mean time I have to learn to lead two lives (much like Batman). Be a successful, charming and well dressed private landlord registration scheme enforcement officer by day.... And a very tired games designer by night.... Wait a minute that isn't like Batman at all!!

Oh and at the weekends I also need to be a Dad and Husband.

Big shout out to my wonderful wife for giving me the chance to do all of this stuff. Couldn't do it without you. You are just great! Love you loads. This is as hard on you as it is on me. I understand that and love you for it.

Monday, October 12, 2009


I feel like we are making progress. I am sitting in the loft having just played around with the first tool that Tom has completed.

We call it the monster tool (not sure why it isn't just to do with monsters). It allows us to load up classes, stats, powers, skills, classes and races. Lets us tinker with the setup for each of the above elements. It is very cool. Very happy with it, something tangible to play with that isn't my flow charts for dialogue! Woop!

A big thank you to all of those who helped with suggestions for how to deal with branching dialogue options! The winner of the unofficial competition is Cleodhna! Her suggestion to try using Omnigraffle was fantastic.

Omnigraffle is a program that allows you to generate flow charts of varying designs. It allows for a lot of editing options and the final results are relatively easy to generate and easy to follow the flow of dialogue to its conclusion. So big thanks. I am sure that some sort of prize can be arranged in the (probably distant!) future...

Level 1 of Soul Quest 1 is in progress. I am currently working on the social phase of the level and realising how much work I have let myself in for.... I think we are aiming to be very ambitious with the game and the level creation is quite taxing from a creative standpoint. Trying to make level 1, Quest 1 a bit harder than the opening level, highlighting new options and things you can do. All of that without making it too steep a learning curve.

I have a business gateway meeting tomorrow and a meeting with the bank next week. So time to go and do some dialogue trees!

